When you refinance your student loans you will be able to choose different repayment terms.
Our rates start from the low rate of 0% APR with up to 35% APR as your annual payment.
This means that you can pay your outstanding student loan balance in less than a year by choosing a longer repayment term and a longer period of time to pay it back. Just get all the details at https://www.sofi.com/refinance-student-loan/.
Start Your Student Loan Repayment Process
If you are in credit card debt, we understand the importance of payment and cannot deny you the ability to refinance your student loans.
Many of the lenders have an automatic refinance program and all you have to do is decide whether you would like to take advantage of it.
However, if you are not in credit card debt or are otherwise eligible, you may need to take care of some extra things first.
How to Apply for a Refinance
Just send us a completed Refinance Application to get started with the process of refinancing student loans. You will have five business days to submit your application.
After 5 business days, we will evaluate your application and notify you of our decision.
After we receive your application, we will let you know if your application is accepted.
Once you have received the acceptance letter, we will start the process of communicating with you to discuss your loan amount and repayment terms.
For more information about refinancing student loans, call us at (855) 443-9610 or send us an email with “Refinancing Student Loans” in the subject line.
Complete Your Student Loan Refinancing Application
Make sure to take our official Refinancing Application because we may request additional documentation as part of your loan refinancing.
We may also request that you complete a Payment Correction Request (PCR) form as part of the application.
If you have previously filed your federal student loans with us, we will ask you to provide your current loan identification number.